BioShock Infinite Burial At Sea Episode 2 Full Version Game Free Download
BioShock Infinite Burial At Sea Episode 2 is an action-shooter game by 2K Games. Game follows the story of BioShock Infinite in the floating air city in 1912. The storyline of the game is combined to BioShock and BioShock Infinite. As story continues, Elizabeth witnesses a vision of Paris in the 20th Century
Infinite Burial At Sea Episode 2 is an action-shooter game by 2K Games. Game
follows the story of BioShock Infinite in the floating air city in 1912. The
storyline of the game is combined to BioShock and BioShock Infinite. As story
continues, Elizabeth witnesses a vision of Paris in the 20th Century, where she
see Sally and she chases her. This peaceful setting transforms into a nightmare
where Elizabeth is forced to see Sally burning. Elizabeth awakes after short
time of the first episode, where Atlas is geared up to kill her while some men
remove the dead body of Comstock. A vision led by Booker appears to her and
tells her the information about Dr. Suchong who Booker thinks that could help
Atlas and in return he could exchange Sally in this deal. Player can carry two
weapons at a time and can collect other weapons from dead enemies and weapon
crates. Health can be regenerated by medicines and food kits. Super natural
abilities can be acquired by Plasmids and some abilities includes creating
shockwaves, releasing bolts of electricity and much more. This episode includes
a 1998 Mode in which the player will take on the challenge to complete the
episode using only stealth and silent or non-lethal weapons and methods to
defeat enemies. Game's graphics has been mastered to ultra level where each
detail of the game can be seen in a far more real manner. New controls has been
added to game and new sound effects has been added to game. Fully storyline and
little bit twist of past games has been added to game and the predecessors are
connected to this game.