Call Of Duty World At War Game
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Watch Dogs is an upcoming 2014 action-adventure game by Ubisoft. Game features an open world environment where player takes control of a wild hacker, Aiden Pearce who can hack into any kind of tech around him. Player could hack into other's phones, laptops, and other electronics either to control them or to destroy them for ever.
Call Of Duty World At War is an action-shooter game by Activision. Game is the sequel and the fifth installment in the famous Call Of Duty game series. Game features a first-person shooting perspective platform where player takes control of a U.S marine. Game's story starts as the C.Miller sees his fellow marine being beaten and tortured at night on August 17, 1942 by japanese soldiers. Game focuses on the situation of battle of Peleliu. Game has objective based missions in which player has options that how he/she can complete the objective. Game has all new weapons and other equipments. Game also has a multiplayer mode in which more than one players could play the game, participating in cooperative missions and helping each other against any other group. Graphics and textures has been modified for best experience of the game.
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