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Goat Simulator Full Version Game Free To Download

Goat Simulator is and was a joke, the product of developer Coffee Stain studios entering a game jam and creating a knockaround sandbox that promises to fulfill all of your goat-based fantasies (not that one).


Goat Simulator 

Goat Simulator is and was a joke, the product of developer Coffee Stain studios entering a game jam and creating a knockaround sandbox that promises to fulfill all of your goat-based fantasies (not that one).

Games are a fertile area for this kind of self-reflexive success. Most recently we've seen Flappy Bird and Twitch Plays Pokemon. In fact there's a version of Flappy Bird called Flappy Goat. The phenomenon is about being part of the joke: look at Goat Simulator's user tags (a Steam feature that lets players assign words to games) and the top four are "Masterpiece", "Beautiful", "Art" and "Simulator".
While this is pretty funny, it also leads to the unedifying spectacle of everyone wanting to be in on the joke and outlets, without a trace of irony, awarding Goat Simulator the kind of decent scores and writeups that may tempt people towards a purchase. This is where I have to say baa humbug. The joke with Goat Simulator is that it's crap. And while this is a funny joke for 10 minutes, it becomes a different thing when the game's on the front page of Steam for £7.



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